Understanding Assessment in BC (BC Ministry of Education)
Proficiency Scale (BC Ministry of Education)
Students are assigned a proficiency scale indicator according to the learning they have demonstrated. The indicator is divided into four levels of learning, emerging, developing, proficient and extending, as you see in the image below. The proficiency scale indictor is paired with strengths-based descriptive feedback, explaining where the student is in their learning, and areas of growth.
What is the purpose of assessment and reporting?
From the K-12 Student Reporting Policy: Communicating Student Reporting Guidelines (BC Ministry of Education).
The goal of communicating student learning is to ensure that:
We communicate effectively about how students are learning depends on using thoughtful methods to check their progress. The first section, Gathering Evidence of Learning, explores various ways to collect and evaluate information about student performance. Then, the second section, Evaluation in the Classroom, explains how to use this information to communicate clearly and meaningfully about students’ learning journeys.
What does a literacy comment look like on a report card?
According to the BC curriculum, when compiling a report on a students progress it is important to include:
Criteria-What the student learning outcome is and how they learned the outcome.
Descriptive Feedback– include what the student liked working on and how they accomplished the learning. Include something the student is proud of that they accomplished, it would be great to include a students personal connection to the learning.
Goal Setting– A goal created with a student on what the student is working towards or working on next.
Putting It All together! Literacy Report Comment Example.
In literacy we are working on making meaning from shared text. Jennie listens to stories and can reflect on key ideas. She contributes her ideas to the group and asks thoughtful questions to grow her understanding. Jennie is working to recognize beginning, middle, and end of story/text.
Literacy Assessment Tool
Example of assessment tool used in literacy:
The Quick Write/Draw assessment is useful for showing understanding for the following in literacy:
- Characters/key figures/attributes
- Setting/conflict/problems and solutions
- Beginning, middle and end
- Symbols/themes
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