By Zachary, Claire, Karis and Jennie
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Seeing AI
Seeing AI can be download from the app store, it is free. See the demo in the video above. It is a great tool for text-to-speech and speech-to-text. This app uses your phone camera to transcript written scribe into a digital file. This app can assist many diverse learners.
Eye Gaze
-Eye gaze Technology works by a camera tracking where a students eyes are looking on a screen.
-students can make selections on the screen three different ways
– a switch
-blink activation
-dwell is the system which tracks the length a student is looking at a certain selection. If the students looks at the spot for a certain amount of time (selected during calibration) then Eye Gaze will make the selection.
Breathe, think, Do with Sesame
Breathe, Think, Do can be beneficial for any type of behavioral issues
- Helps students regulate their breathing and calm them down
- Offers multiple solutions, making students more efficient problem-solvers
- Gives students the tools to be self-sufficient, building confidence
Immersive Reader from Word
Immersive reader s a full screen reading experience to help students who are developing their reading skills. Is located in a word document through microsoft.
- Can help students who may have difficulty reading
- will identify what words are nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives
- Can help ESL learners
- Speech to text
- helps students to become independent readers and reduces students from feeling judged by their peers
- helps build fluency, improves speech
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